Dr Pradeep Tiwari is the Best Stroke Specialist in Navi Mumbai. A stroke, otherwise called a brain attack, happens when the blood supply to the mind is interfered with because of the blockage or rapture in arteries or veins which keep the brain tissue from getting oxygen and supplements, prompting synapse demise in practically no time. Without brief treatment or early activity, it might prompt brain damage, handicaps and other deadly difficulties. Contingent on the reason and site of the stroke alongside the level of harm that happens inside the brain, stroke is to a great extent ordered into 2 kinds. This will likewise decide the varieties in disability experienced by the stroke patient in development, memory, speech and manner of thinking as well as paralysis and death in severe cases. Get the best treatment with Stroke Specialist in Navi Mumbai.
Types of Brain Strokes:
There are two main types of Brain Strokes named Ischemic Stroke and Hemorrhagic Stroke. Let’s discuss them one by one:
1. Ischemic Stroke:
In Ischemic stroke, there is a blood clot in the vein which impedes the progression of blood and oxygen to the mind. In this stroke, the thought process is to reestablish the blood flow in the mind as fast as could be expected.
At the best stroke treatment in Navi Mumbai, certain meds are surrendered what breaks the clot and forestall the arrangement of new clots.
2. Hemorrhagic Stroke:
In Hemorrhagic Stroke, the veins conveying blood to the brain gets rupture or leak. Because of this unexpected blood flow, the brain tissues encompassing the mind faces a great deal of tension, and the mind starves for the oxygen. This draining can be brought about by hypertension, abnormal blood vessels. Consult the Best Stroke Specialist in Navi Mumbai.
Symptoms and Signs of a Brain Stroke:
1. Deadness in one side of the body
2. Severe and sudden headache
3. Blurry vision in one or the two eyes
4. Sudden difficulty in understanding
5. Loss of balance or dizziness
6. Paralysis in face or arms
Causes and risk factors of a brain stroke:
1. High blood pressure can be one of the major cause of a brain stroke
2. Obesity and diabetes , as diabetes damages our blood vessels
3. Heart diseases , irregular heartbeats may cause stroke in elderly people
4. Blood thinning medicine may also contribute to a brain stroke
5. In some cases a brain stroke can be genetic
6. Consumption of alcohol, tobacco or drugs also leads to a stroke
Prior to beginning the treatment, firstly, the specialist will assess which kind of stroke you are having. The Best Stroke Specialist in Navi Mumbai will pose you a few inquiries and the symptoms you are facing. Then, at that point, there are a few tests, for example, MRI scan, CT scan, Doppler ultrasound and so on which a doctor performs to examine.